Friday, September 2, 2016

Putting an End to Self-Condemnation

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:1-2 NIV)

Most of us are experienced in self-condemnation.  Even those of us who appear self-confident on the outside, have no problem berating ourselves from within.  Recently, I was talking with a student who does just that.  It is a habit and it has been long established. 

Our Enemy is known as the accuser. The thoughts in our head—“You’re no good;” “You’re unworthy;” “You’re so stupid;” “You’re a hypocrite.”—come directly from him.  He wants to fill our minds with accusations, all of which, if we are followers of Jesus, are false.  This is his game and he plays it oh so well.

So many of us struggle with our self-worth.  Our minds are filled with the accusations cited above or ones similar. And the way we often handle them plays right into the Enemy’s hands.  He wants us to continually doubt our worth in order to tempt us to resign ourselves to a life with no hope.  If we are not worth much, why have hope, why try?

I have met many students like this over my years on campus.  They embrace the accusations in their heads and live accordingly.  They either reject God outright, spend their energy trying to prove their worth, or live in a perpetual state of guilt. 

If this is you, then look at this passage, print it out and put it on the bathroom mirror, have it on a card and carry it with you wherever you go, or just memorize it.  In whatever way will work, get these words into your head and into your heart.  IF YOU ARE IN CHRIST, YOU ARE NOT CONDEMNED!  And then REPEAT, REPEAT, REPEAT every time an accusation comes into your mind.

The truth is the Accuser is telling you lies.  He condemns you and wants you to condemn yourself.  And, likely, that is what you are doing.  But here is a question for you: If the God of the Universe and your Creator doesn’t condemn you, what right do you have to condemn yourself?

Today, when the accusations come and you are tempted to believe them, repeat these words: I am a child of God and loved by Him. Because I am in Christ, He does not condemn me.  If you are a follower of Jesus, no truer words can ever be spoken.

© Jim Musser 2016

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