Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Our Protector

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.  He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.  The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 121:1-8 NIV)

Almost every day, many of my Facebook friends are posting or sharing articles on this year’s presidential race, and most have the theme of protection.  Hillary is going to protect us from that “deplorable” Trump. Trump is going to protect the country from liberals like Hillary.  She will protect the nuclear codes from the likes of Trump.  He will protect the country from “going down the tubes.”  She will protect the dignity of the office of the President.  He will protect the rights of Christians.  She will protect the rights of minorities.  And on and on it goes.

I am not going to reveal in this space who I’m for or against, but one thing I do know is that our ultimate protection is found in the Lord, not in any politician.  Regardless of the outcome of the November election, I know there are going to be many who will be aghast at the thought of who will soon be sitting in the Oval Office, and just as many who are breathing a sigh of relief that the other won’t be. But the truth is, regardless of who wins, the Lord, the Creator of the universe, is still in control.  Perhaps much to the chagrin of many, He will have allowed the outcome for His purposes and He will use it to accomplish His will.

As my wife and I were talking over the weekend, it is quite possible things will get a lot worse in this country over the next four years for the express purpose of getting both the nation and the Church to repent—the nation from its rejection of God’s authority and the Church for its shallowness, lack of commitment, and focus on worldly things, such as power and prestige.  

The fact is, regardless of who is elected, we error to look to them to be our protector or savior.  The Lord Almighty is the only One who can fulfill that role.  He indeed uses people, including those of less than honorable character or intentions, to serve His purposes, but He is ultimately our protector.   In the strangest political year I have ever experienced, I find comfort in this.  In November, I will vote and I will likely follow the returns to see who wins, but I won’t be fretting about the outcome because I know the Lord is still in control. Whatever happens, He will use it to accomplish His will, which is good, pleasing, and perfect

Today, if you are anxious about the upcoming election, recognize the Lord remains in control.  Rather than the election somehow thwarting His will, He will use the results to accomplish it. In the midst of the chaos and upheaval of this political season, may this provide you with peace of mind and a sense of hope for the future. 

© Jim Musser 2016

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