Before you start reading this, go back and read these words from James again. Find anything surprising, or even astounding? How about (this is my paraphrase), “Consider it a joyful privilege when you have to endure various trials…”
Let’s think about that for a minute. So James is saying when you have a difficult roommate situation, you should be joyful. When you are out of a job, you should embrace the situation. When you suffer a great loss, your grief should be enveloped by a greater joy. Any trial or difficulty, in other words, should be welcomed with an attitude of hope and resolve.
In my life of faith, I have encountered numerous trials of significance—including the deaths of my parents while in my 20’s and abandonment by my first wife—and I learned a lot from those experiences, but I can’t say that, at the time I was going through them, I embraced them with joy. Yet, looking back at those experiences, I can see James’ perspective. I do find joy in what I learned and the spiritual growth that came as a result. In fact, I have grown more during the trials of my life than at any other time. And that, I believe, is the point James is making.
We should embrace trials in our lives because it is during those times when the Lord can do His most significant transforming work. His goal is to make us mature and complete. The difficulties that we face in our lives help to achieve that goal.
Today, if you are facing a difficult time in your life, don’t seek to run away from it or become embittered. Instead, embrace it with joy as an experience God will use to help you mature in your faith.
© Jim Musser 2016
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