On a university campus, there are a lot of arguments and false beliefs about God that are consistently repeated, such as science disproves the existence of God, the Bible is full of errors and prejudices and thus is unreliable, and, one I heard recently, that Christianity has its roots in Islam. While I could focus on these, I rather want to focus on the unspoken false beliefs that people, even Christians, have about God. For these beliefs often form strongholds that prevent spiritual and emotional healing, as well as growth.
One I most frequently see among students on campus is a fear of God’s disapproval. Thus, when they do something they know is wrong, they distance themselves from the Lord. They may still outwardly appear close, by attending Bible studies and church, but inwardly they, like the “lost son (Luke 15:11-32), are far from the Father because of their guilt and shame. And the guilt and shame form a stronghold in their lives, which God’s grace and mercy cannot penetrate.
Another is relinquishing their will to God means unpleasant things are going to happen. Such as, if they are sensing a call to end a relationship, they wonder how will they survive or if there will ever be another. Or if they are to change majors, what that will mean for the future. In this case, there is a stronghold of distrust that God’s will is better than theirs.
Finally, I often see the stronghold of bitterness, which is reinforced by the belief that forgiveness is unjust, that it lets people off the hook. Many students have bitterness residing deep within their hearts, whether it be toward a parent who abandoned them, toward people who bullied them, or toward life in general because it hasn’t turned out the way they imagined.
The challenges of spiritual strongholds are two-fold. First, they are often obscured. People often don’t know they even exist because they have been present so long they draw no suspicious attention. Second, even if we know they exist, tearing them down is beyond us. We cannot remove them on our own. But Paul provides a solution to these challenges.
As in every situation in life, Jesus really is the answer. His Word provides the truth we need to attack the lies about God, and His power the ability to tear down the strongholds maintained through the lies of the Enemy. Where the stronghold of guilt and shame closes off our hearts from God, we bring against that lie the truth that God does not condemn those who are followers of Jesus (Romans 8:1-2). Where there is distrust in God’s plans for us, we bring the truth that God wants what is best for us against it (Ephesians 1:17-19). And where bitterness has us in bondage, there is the truth that forgiveness is how Jesus set us free (Colossians 3:13).
All of these truths are backed up by the promise of the Lord’s power over the Enemy. (I John 4:4). He who resides in us has the power to tear down the strongholds.
Today, examine yourself to see what strongholds in your life are preventing you from becoming all that God desires for you. And once you identify them, allow the Lord to begin tearing them down with His truth and power. Your strongholds may give you a sense of safety, but in reality they are holding you prisoner. Having them torn down will finally set you free.
© Jim Musser 2015
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