This is such an interesting passage and often now avoided because it speaks so explicitly about God’s wrath, which is not nearly as popular or comforting as talking about God’s love. But there it is, nonetheless, and, as usual, Paul is unapologetic and straightforward.
But what I find so interesting is not God’s wrath, but that Paul says creation speaks so clearly about God’s existence and nature, that we have no excuse not to believe, to put our faith in Him, or to submit ourselves humbly before Him in obedience. While so many have doubts about God’s very existence or what He is like, Paul claims it is obvious by just taking notice of what is around us or by just looking in the mirror. So obvious in fact that when we stand before God, “I just didn’t know” will not be an acceptable reason for those who never believed.
So if God’s existence and nature are so clearly revealed in creation, what do we learn about Him? First, He is BIG, VERY BIG! Astronomers have yet to determine the limits of the universe, but have long known that our galaxy is very small in comparison, and our planet even smaller. Thus, the Psalmist’s humble response in considering creation: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:3-4)
Secondly, God is very creative, an artist really. Notice His use of color, particularly this time of year when oranges, yellows, browns, and greens combine to make a beautiful kaleidoscope of hues among the mountains, hills, and streets. Or consider the intricate patterns of snowflakes or of frost that forms on a window. Or how about the innumerable species of animals and vegetation? All are unique and some turn our heads just by how they look—think about the zebra, the puffer fish, or the panda bear. And His creations span beyond our human purview. There are fish swimming in the ocean depths that few, if any, humans have ever seen, and unique planets in faraway galaxies never seen by human eyes. Yet they exist, we can assume solely for His pleasure.
Thirdly, God creates with purpose. Curiosity has propelled scientific study to figure out why things are the way they are, from biology to zoology, from genetics to physics. There is overwhelming evidence that creation is not random, but formed with thought and purpose. For example, the anatomy of males and females demonstrate, as God openly declared in Genesis 2:24, that man and woman were created for each other. This is why Paul describes later that sexual relations with the same sex are “unnatural” (Romans 1:26-27).
Finally, God’s creation reveals He is supreme. Nothing that humans have created remotely compares to what God has created. The most advanced computer does not come close to the complexity and creativity of the human brain. No robot will ever be mistaken for a human. And no human-built structure can compare to the immensity of what God has created. He is bigger, stronger, wiser, and more creative than any human being or human culture that has ever existed. Therefore, and this is Paul’s point, we should listen to what He says and submit ourselves to Him. He is God and we are created by Him.
Today, take a look around. God is revealing Himself to you. If you pay attention, it is easier than many will lead you to believe to discover who He is.
© Jim Musser 2015
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