Friday, September 27, 2013

Expressing Love

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12 NIV)

Growing up, one phrase I never heard my parents say to me was, “I love you.”  I knew they loved me, but I never heard them say it.  They provided me a home, made sure I had plenty to eat, and cared about my grades. They obviously loved me, but they could never say it.  They were like a lot of people, particularly of their generation.  It was just uncomfortable to express love verbally.  

What drew me to Jesus was the expression of love I saw in those who followed Him.  And what I learned as I began to read the Scriptures is it was He who first took the initiative in reaching out in love.  In fact, the Bible is full of expressions of love for each of us.  

When I decided to follow Jesus, it was this fact that compelled me to write a letter to my parents telling them, “I love you.”  It was the first time I had ever expressed it.  Years later, after both had died, I found that letter as we sorted through my mother’s things.  She had kept it.  

When I was leaving home the first time after my conversion, I gave my mother a hug and said, “I love you.”  Again, it was the first time I had ever uttered those words to her.  I shook my father’s hand and said the same. Neither knew quite what to make of it and, in reality, it was awkward for them.  But my expression of love had an impact.  I began to see changes in them, an openness to the Lord that I had never seen before and a softening of their hearts.  They even began to express their love for me.  

Before they died, both my mom and dad made the decision to follow Jesus.  I am convinced their decisions began with my simple expression, “I love you.”  Though we may have love shown to us in a lot of ways, it is important to hear it.  I first heard it from Jesus and in turn I expressed it to my parents.  I expressed my love for them because He first expressed His love for me.

How powerful it is to hear the words, “I love you.”  Today know that Jesus speaks them to you and He wants you in the same way to speak them to others.  They are words that can literally change lives.

© Jim Musser 2013

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