The start of every school year is always a new beginning, something akin to a significant birthday, such as a 25th or a 40th. It offers the opportunity for a fresh start. And oh how we so often need a fresh start!
For students, summers always are brimming with excitement and promise, but often fall short of expectations. They can return to campus wounded and weary from disappointment—in themselves. Temptation, fueled by their own evil desires, as James describes (1:14-15), dragged them into sinful situations where they fell hard. Instead of returning with a lift in their step, there is a limp.
For the rest of us, we may not be starting anything new, but it is quite likely we are limping, even if it is barely noticeable. We, too, are feeling the effects of acts of disobedience, self-inflicted wounds that have accumulated over time.
For all of us, this psalm offers a remedy, a healing balm that will soothe what ails us. David was reluctant to confess his sin and he found himself in misery. What changed everything was his willingness to confess what he had done wrong. So often it is our pride that prevents us from owning up to what we have done, to God and others. We have an image to maintain, so we hide our sin, but, as David discovered, we do so at our peril.
Today, if there is a limp in your step from the self-inflicted wounds of sin, know that confession is the means by which you can be healed. You don’t have to remain in misery. Like David, you can have a fresh start.
© Jim Musser 2017
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