Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Lesson of Knots

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 NIV)

They are called “knots” and if you are a wood splitter, you are never too excited to see them.  Knots are where branches have begun to form and the “grain” of the knot runs counter (sometimes perpendicular) to grain of the trunk.  Thus, when you are trying to split a log, a big knot will resist being split.  The result is the need for several swings of the ax or mull or just giving up.  

Now what is bad news for those who split wood tells something wonderful for those of us seeking to remain in Jesus.  We sometimes think the burden is on us to remain in Him, that it’s another work we have to strive to do.  Yet, think of the knot.  It is so difficult to break through, but it is what forms the base of the branch.  If we are the branches, think of how strongly we are attached to the tree!  We will not be easily removed!

It is going to take a lot for us to be removed because His hold on us is so strong.  Thus, we need not be afraid that with every challenge or temptation, we are going to be ripped from His hands.  His grip is very tight.  

So today, think not so much on how to remain in Jesus when you are struggling, but rather rest in the knowledge of His firm hold on you.  

© Jim Musser 2017

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