I was thinking of a young woman this morning who, for many years, has been on a path of destruction and still has not recognized her plight. Her childhood was difficult—her parents divorced and for years they used her and her siblings as leverage in their fight with one another. She loved them, but grew to hate them. And her hate, as it is prone to do, turned inward. She began to slowly destroy herself. Poor choices led to a bad marriage, a divorce, jail, losing custody of her kids, and still she remains blinded to her desperate need. She has surrounded herself with those like her and considers her life normal. She once knew of God, but now denies His existence.
Hers is an extreme case, but I have known many people who are similarly blinded. Most are consumed by hate, bitterness, and self-loathing. Most, like this young woman, have had difficult childhoods, or been the victim of a particularly traumatic event. And the experience plants a seed of anger or hate in their hearts that, if not confronted and rejected, will enslave them, cripple them, and perhaps destroy them. Exactly what our enemy intends. He seeks to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). But he does it in a very crafty way. Strangely, people like this willingly participate in their own harm. They unknowingly become partners in his scheme. Alcoholism, drug abuse, eating disorders, very dysfunctional relationships, extreme perfectionism are all tools which he uses, but there are many more.
Often our culture relies on recovery programs and counseling to deal with these issues, and, as a trained counselor, I do see their benefit. However, on their own, they will not be able to set people free to see and experience the truth. Only Jesus can do that. For some, this may seem cliché and I will admit that this view has been applied in an overly simplified fashion, but it is still the truth. If we are so afflicted, then the veil over our hearts must first be removed by Jesus in order for us to truly see reality and be led into freedom from that which has for so long held us in bondage.
This is my continued prayer for the young woman. And if you know of anyone in similar circumstances, this should be your prayer as well. And if you happen to be in a destructive pattern in your life, then cry out to Jesus for help. He indeed can set you free.
© Jim Musser 2017
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