Monday, October 24, 2016

A Poisoned Well

“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’” (John 4:13-14 NIV)

I read an article yesterday about the continued problems with contaminated water in Flint, Michigan.  A year after the story broke about lead contaminating nearly all the city’s water supply, the majority of residents are still unable to use the water coming out of their taps.  It is truly a sad and tragic story. But it is not the only one.

As I have observed this political season and think back over the decades I’ve been a follower of Jesus, I realize there has also been an ongoing crisis regarding contamination of the living water of which Jesus speaks to the woman at the well.  The problem with water contamination is it is often not immediately detected.  Years can pass without a person knowing what they are drinking is poisoning them. The same is true spiritually.  

The contaminants vary, but all will produce sickness and some even death.  Tradition and legalism have long been a favorite choice of our enemy.  Many churches have been rendered ineffective by clinging to unbiblical traditions and merciless legalism.  But he is crafty and adaptive, so as our culture has become in recent decades much more accepting of various behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles, he has introduced unlimited grace into the stream.  Paul warned of this contaminant in Romans 6.  Pursuit of greed, worldly power, and adoration are other examples of the living water being contaminated. The end result is water intended to bring freedom, healing, and transformation instead brings spiritual sickness and death.

Many of the residents of Flint are using water filters in order to remove the lead in their water.  For us as believers, the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures is the filter we need to remove the contaminants.  Too many of us do not regularly ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18), which enables Him to be in control and guide our judgment. And far too many of us are weak in our knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures.  As a result, it is difficult for us to filter out the contaminants in what is presented to us as living water.  Thus, while we may believe we are drinking in that which gives us life, in fact, what we are ingesting is making us sick and perhaps slowly killing us.  

Today, recognize the danger lurking when you seek to drink from well of Jesus.  Our enemy has sought from the beginning to poison it, but in a way that is difficult to detect.  The only way to protect yourself is through being filled with the Holy Spirit and having a comprehensive understanding of the Scriptures. Doing so will restore the living water to its pure state.   

© Jim Musser 2016

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