I recently read an article about the enormous debt college graduates have incurred while earning their degrees. One woman took over $150,000 out in loans to earn a liberal arts degree. She is now living with her parents and working a low-wage, part-time job. Another had the choice of going to an elite private school or a state university. Because she thought the private school would gain her a better reputation, and job opportunities, she chose it even though it cost three times as much. This graduate is now working two jobs, not in her field of study, just to make the monthly payments on her student loans. She referred to herself as an “idiot.”
It is this huge indebtedness that has led some to demand all student loan debt be cancelled. Good luck on that one! No one forced these graduates into debt. It was their choice to go to college and to choose a particular school to attend. It was also their choice of selecting a major. Because going into debt was their choice, it is unlikely banks are going to cancel it.
This makes the fact of our sin debt being forgiven all that more astounding. Like those college graduates, we chose to sin, to rebel against God. No one made us do it. And our debt is so great; we will never be able to pay it off. Yet, unlike banks with student loans, God chose to cancel our debt. Totally. Completely. We didn’t have to do a thing! One moment we were buried in debt; the next it was gone!
The only condition was that we stop trying to pay it off and start a relationship with the One who cancelled it. Not a bad deal, if you ask me.
Today, realize what a tremendous position you are in. A debt you freely incurred and could not pay was cancelled. You now owe nothing except your life.
© Jim Musser 2016
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