It’s the 11th day of 2016. So how are those New Year’s resolutions coming along? The ritual of making resolutions at the start of a new year is matched only by the inability of keeping most of them. So why do we continue to it? Perhaps it makes us feel better about ourselves. We know there is a great need for improvement and recognizing that fact, and expressing a desire to do something about it, means we’re not all that bad. This year I’m going to shed some pounds, which means I really care about my body as opposed to being someone who has just given up on himself or herself. This year I’m going to study harder and become a better student, which shows my desire to become responsible and prepared for the real world. This year I’m going to spend more time with the Lord, which demonstrates I am getting serious about my faith.
What most resolutions have in common is they are future-oriented and not very specific as to how they will be accomplished. What I am going to do today to help make this happen is rarely contemplated. Now Jesus does not address New Year’s resolutions, but His statement in the Sermon on the Mount gets to the heart of their shortcomings.
Resolutions to have a better year miss the point and set us up for worry and failure. They put the focus on us even if our resolution is to be more helpful to people. Jesus says to seek first the kingdom, not to lose weight or be a better person. While those may not be bad ambitions, they are not to be our first priorities. Rather, our first priority is to seek God, daily.
If you read what comes before this passage, you will notice people were worrying about what they would have to eat and what they would have to wear—their daily necessities. But Jesus didn’t tell them to go work harder and be better people in order to assure they had the provisions they would need. No, He told them first to seek God, and then everything they needed would be provided.
Like those in Jesus’ audience, we tend to focus (and worry) about what we need to do and what is going to happen. We make resolutions about the future, but tend to ignore the priorities of today. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Jesus is telling us our first priority as we start a new year is not to make and fulfill resolutions, but to seek Him every day.
Today, make it your priority to seek Jesus every day and, in doing so, you may be surprised at how little you need to make resolutions in order for positive change to happen in your life.
© Jim Musser 2016
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