Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Getting Through Life

“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12 NIV)

Students on campus are getting desperate for a break from their academic routine.  When I asked one student this week if she was ready for Fall Break, she said, “I am so ready; I can feel the humidity of Raleigh.”  That sounds like desperation to me!  Fortunately, she is a committed student and will persevere in her studies until next week when the break finally arrives.

It is tempting when we are exhausted or when things get tough in our lives to give up or take an easier path.  Recently, I heard on television a woman who had been severely burned in a plane crash tell of her decision to persevere through all the pain and suffering of recovery in order that she might continue to be there for her kids and her husband. They were what kept her motivated.

Life in general is hard.  With it comes various trials and hardships, be it disappointment and discouragement, rejection, illness, or death.  The followers of Jesus, in spite of what some might think, are not given a pass on hardship and suffering.  But we are promised a great reward if we persevere through life with our faith intact.  

All of us need breaks every so often.  I think everyone on campus is looking forward to the one next week.  For the followers of Jesus, however, while we may get short respites along the way, our real break comes when our life concludes and we enter Eternity.  Until then, with the Lord’s strength, we continue to carry on through the trials of life.

Today, know the Lord is there to help you to persevere through whatever life brings your way, so that then you can have the break you truly long for.

© Jim Musser 2014

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