“The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (I Peter 4:7-8 NIV)
I hadn’t read this passage in a long time, but after an encounter with a former student recently, it came to mind. Years ago, when he was a student, our ministry was going through some difficult transitions. I was new, approached things differently than the previous campus minister, and I met a lot of resistance. I know, looking back, I could have handled some things better. I allowed my frustration to color my attitude toward some of the students who, in my mind, just didn’t get what I was trying to do, which was to help them learn what it truly meant to follow Jesus.
As the years passed, those students graduated and moved on. Most with whom I still have contact have matured and see what I was trying to do back then, even if it was imperfect, and have let go of any animosity they may have had toward me. But there are a few, I think, that still hold some resentment. And seeing this former student reminded me of Peter’s words.
He fully believed that Jesus was about to return and that meant focusing on things that were important. The thought of life ending as we know it has a way of rearranging our priorities, as it did with Peter. First of all, he says to get serious about life, thinking clearly so as to be able to pray effectively. But, secondly, he says to love one another deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins. In other words, time is short so get rid of your bitterness toward others regardless of what they have done to you. If you love them deeply, the resentment will fade away.
How many of us are living right now with bitterness and resentment toward someone else? Are we motivated to do anything about it? Do this exercise: Imagine the person toward whom you have bitterness dies. What then? It will be too late to reconcile.
Today, do as I just recently did. Reach out to someone toward whom you have bitterness or who is holding resentments toward you. Recognize that love covers over the effects of a multitude of sins, whether they be theirs or yours.
© Jim Musser 2013
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