"Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. He called out to them, 'Friends, haven't you any fish?' 'No,' they answered. He said, 'Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.' When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, 'It is the Lord!' As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, 'It is the Lord,' he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far form shore, about a hundred yards. When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread." (John 21:4-9 NIV)
I can still remember the smell of bacon frying in my mother's kitchen on Saturday mornings as I awoke. What a pleasure it was to have breakfast awaiting me when I got up! It was a little thing in the whole scheme of life, but what a wonderful memory it is for me.
Sometimes we think God only cares about the big things--His Word being proclaimed, people being saved, justice being done. Yet, God has shown time and time again that He cares about the little things, like breakfast. Picture this: The Son of God, the One by whom everything was made (Colossians 1:16) on a beach making breakfast for a bunch of tired, smelly fishermen, men that He knew and loved. It is such a small thing, but such a BIG thing given that it is God who is doing the cooking. And it made an impact because John chose to record it in his biography of Jesus. The man who was known for His extraordinary teaching, for His powerful miracles, and for His death and resurrection, is also remembered for His fresh fish and bread breakfast!
This tells me something about Jesus: He cares deeply about each of us and at His core is the nature of a servant. My needs, even the smallest ones, are important to Him.
Today as you go about your day, think of Jesus on that beach making breakfast and remember how much He cares about your needs, even the smallest ones. What a wonderful God we serve!
© Jim Musser 2012
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