Recently, I met with a student who believed (mistakenly) that I was against him and a choice he had made in his life. As we began to talk, he shared that his heart had begun to harden toward me. We talked things through and ended up reconciled.
Paul was in a similar place with the Corinthians. He had written some difficult things to them and their hearts were hardening towards him. That is a natural reaction to people who may say or do things we don’t like. Yet Paul had a long history with the Corinthian believers. He asked them to “make room” in their hearts for him.
Making room is an intentional act that requires extending grace. We may not fully understand why a person says or does something, but making room for them in our hearts means we extend to them grace, believing their intentions were honorable or that they just made a mistake, hurtful perhaps, but forgivable.
Far too many relationships become strained or end because we harden our hearts instead of making room in them. We jump to conclusions, allow our hurt feelings to lead us, and forget the positives that helped nurture the relationship in the first place. Yet, grace is the hallmark of one who follows Jesus and it must be extended often.
Today, is there someone toward whom you have become hardened? If so, make room in your heart for them. Extend to them the same grace the Lord has given you.
© Jim Musser 2016
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