Over the years I’ve worked with students on campus, there is a theme that remains constant among those who consider themselves good or bad and are thinking about eternal things—they have to earn their way. Some consider themselves Christians, while others identify with other religions or consider themselves “spiritual.” Regardless, all have a religious mindset that is nothing new.
All god-based religions ever devised have one thing in common—you have to earn your way into the favor of the Deity. In Hinduism, one has to live many lives to eventually reach Nirvana. In Buddhism, it is similar. One’s Karma is made of actions, good and bad, and those actions determine one’s destiny. And in Islam, a divine scale will be waiting adherents to weigh their good deeds and bad. If the scale falls toward good, then heaven awaits; if towards evil, then eternal punishment.
When God presented the Law to the Israelites, it was not meant to be a way to earn salvation, but as a lesson about how, on our own, we can never live up to God’s expectations. Instead, it was meant to lead us to Jesus. (Galatians 3:24) Sadly, the vast majority has chosen to hold onto the Law, whether Judaic or some other legalistic system. There seems to be an innate need to earn one’s way rather than to accept a free gift of eternal life. It was true in the 1st Century as Jesus walked the earth and it has continued for the past 2000 years. Yet, the Scriptures say that all of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). And Jesus said there is no other way to God than through Him (John 14:6). In other words, there is no way to earn our way.
Yet, so many continue to attempt it or, at least, think that’s what they need to do. In many ways, it’s admirable and that is probably its attraction. We always feel better when we earn something. But the truth is, eternal life is not something we can earn. The price, a perfect life, is beyond our ability to pay for it.
Today, recognize earning God’s favor by our own efforts is an old and failed way of living. Instead, know that in Christ you have been released from the old way and now serve in the way of the Spirit, not out of hope of earning God’s favor but out of gratitude for His wonderful love.
© Jim Musser 2016
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