Someone I know to be a Christ-follower recently dropped the f-bomb into a tweet over some minor irritation. It seems to be a popular thing to do these days.
Obviously, obscene language has been around a long time and it is no surprise that people of the world make plenty of use of it. But what strikes me as odd is when those who follow Jesus drop those bombs, particularly in light of Paul’s straightforward command. Perhaps they think they are being “edgy” when they do it. Some believe, because of the stereotyped image of Christians, that this opens doors with unbelievers.
I once had a professor in seminary who loved to tell his students that when Paul wrote to the Philippians that he considered his past life “rubbish” or “garbage” (3:8-9), the word meant excrement and then for effect he would say, “In other words, he was saying Paul considered his past life sh**.” Then he went on to say that if our ears were bothered by that word, we better get used to it because that is the way the world talked.
Of course it does. In fact, I am well versed in the use of obscene language, having been a master of it in my teens. But when I decided to follow Jesus, new standards were introduced, including the content and tone of my language. Thus, I stopped dropping f-bombs a long time ago and don’t see any need to return to using them in order to impress people with how edgy or cool I am. Rather, I want my language to be speaking words of love, encouragement, and thanksgiving.
Today, think about the content and tone of your language. If you are in the habit of dropping f-bombs and s-bombs, perhaps it’s time to reconsider. Following God’s example is taking a different path from that of the world and this includes the words we speak.
© Jim Musser 2016
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