Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:13-22 NIV)
There is a great schism in our country right now, evidenced by the presidential races in our nation’s two political parties. Both have significant groups of people who are angry at the government and those in the political class they perceive running it. They disagree with the mainstream of their respective parties and vehemently oppose each other. This hostility showed itself last week at several Donald Trump rallies. Protesters and supporters of Trump shouted and shoved, as well as a few coming to blows. And while the physical hostility may still be rare, verbal hostility is ramping up on social media, cable news shows, and on the editorial pages of the nation’s newspapers.
For followers of Jesus, it is a unique and opportune time, as well as a dangerous one. In Paul’s time, the hostility between Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews) was palpable in the culture and in the Church. It was the result of an enmity that had existed for generations. Other than when they absolutely had to, Jews did not associate with Gentiles. Now they were being told (Acts 15) that Gentiles were welcome without giving up their “Gentileness.” Paul is addressing the fallout amongst the Ephesian believers. He points to Christ as the great equalizer because through Him everyone has access to the Father. There is no longer any distinction and, thus, no need any longer for the wall of hostility existing between them. Through their mutual commitment to Jesus and love for Him, the wall could now be taken down.
Fellow brothers and sisters, Republicans and Democrats of all stripes, and those unaffiliated with either party, now is the time to heed Paul’s words. There are principalities and powers (Ephesians 6:12) that are seeking to destroy our unity as followers of Jesus by drawing our allegiances away from the Kingdom toward political power. Members of the same family are becoming hostile to each other and the walls of political preference are going up. On the one side are those who agree with us and on the other is everyone who disagrees. Rather than in Christ, we are being tempted to form our unity around our political beliefs. But our allegiance is first and foremost not to a political party or philosophy, but to Jesus. And Jesus does not build walls of hostility amidst His followers, but rather tears them down. For the truth is, regardless of our views on the current state of our nation and the proper solutions for it, we are all in need of God’s grace. None of us is superior to another. It is this recognition that helps keep our pride in check and can bring peace in the midst of hostility.
Today, check your attitudes toward your brothers and sisters who believe differently than you on political issues. Are they hostile? Then bring them to Jesus, to whom you owe your salvation. For He loves those with whom you disagree just as much as He loves you. And rather than hostility, His will is for there to be love and peace between you.
© Jim Musser 2016
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