So what I didn’t mention yesterday regarding getting rid of all the pink in our house is that it is taking two coats of paint to completely cover it. Perhaps if we had purchased higher quality paint, the results would be different, but, as it is, the pink shows through after the first coat.
So this has provided me another spiritual lesson and it involves two words—justification and sanctification. Justification is what I wrote of yesterday—the blood of Jesus covers over all of our sins, past, present, and future. If we place our trust in Jesus, we are not condemned for our sins (Romans 8:1-2); yet, as John tells us, we continue to sin (I John 1:8). In other words, the pink continues to show through.
And this is where sanctification comes in. Over time, Jesus transforms us, but we will continue to struggle with sin. Justification serves as our safety net. While we seek to grow and mature spiritually, to become more like Him, we need not worry about our salvation because our sins have already been forgiven. They may be showing through, but the blood of Jesus continues to cover them.
I find this both comforting and frustrating. As I wrote yesterday, I am glad we are transforming our house by getting rid of all the pink, but I wish it could be done all at once. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. It is instead a frustratingly slow process. Spiritually, it works a little differently, but the frustration remains. In Christ, we are relieved of the penalty of our sins; they are covered over, but eliminating sin from our lives is impossible in this life. However, we can sin less over time and grow more in godliness. Living the Christian life is a slow, but steady, transformation.
Today, if you are frustrated that your sins still show through, know they are still covered by Jesus. If you are seeking Him, your life indeed will be transformed. It just may take awhile.
© Jim Musser 2015
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