Resolutions are as much a part of beginning a new year as a trip to Wal-Mart before school starts in August. So what are yours as we begin a new year? Losing weight and getting into shape? Being a better student, father, mother, husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend? Developing a new skill or hobby?
While these are commendable goals, let me suggest another resolution that I have adopted for 2015 and beyond: Not sinning intentionally. Of course, we all sin. There are the sins that we don’t even recognize we’ve committed—the hidden faults David speaks of to which we are blind. There are also those sins that our limited spiritual maturity has yet to conquer. We know the sin, but in our immaturity we cannot stop ourselves. Like a toddler learning to walk, though we really want to remain upright, sometimes we can’t help but fall down. These sins are easily covered by God’s mercy and grace. God understands and is patient with us.
What David calls “willful sins” are another thing. These are sins when we know what we are about to do is wrong and decide to do it anyway. In other words, our will is fully engaged in doing what we want rather than what God wants. A guy sees a woman walking on the street with a low cut top and ample cleavage. After catching a glimpse of her, he decides to fix his gaze upon her and lustful thoughts fill his mind. A woman in a conversation about a friend decides to add a couple juicy unflattering tidbits about her. In an argument, someone decides to say very hurtful things in order to gain the advantage.
Willful sins are the most blatant and the most ugly because we intentionally choose to disobey the One who loves us the most and has paid the highest price for that love. Yet, His mercy and grace even extends to these as well. But if there is the one sin I long not to commit, it is the one I do intentionally and fully aware of what I am doing.
So as David did, I am praying the Lord will help me not to sin willfully. That when I am thinking about doing something I know to be wrong, I will make the right choice and step away from making the wrong one.
Today, I invite you to join me in this resolution. It is going to be a year where we struggle with sin. Let’s just not let it be one where we do so intentionally. With the Lord’s help we can do it!
© Jim Musser 2015
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