In the past four months, two students, and likely a third, have committed suicide on our campus. The university counseling center is overwhelmed with student requests for its services. I recently attended a meeting with the Dean of Students and he said it was the worst semester of his 20+ years working in student development. I asked him if our campus was an anomaly or if this was a trend across the country. He replied that universities across the country are facing the immense challenge of students unable to navigate the stresses of life. He also said stress levels of incoming freshmen have been steadily increasing over the past 20 years.
As I sat and listened to the dean, I realized that, while I have seen an increase in our students’ stress levels, I have not seen the heavy psychological toll that seems to be sweeping the country. And I think I know why.
An anchor can provide a ship stability in rough seas. Though the waves may batter it, it doesn’t get carried away by them. The Hebrew writer describes the hope we have in Jesus as “an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” What a wonderful description of Jesus and His promise of overcoming the troubles in this world! (John 16:33) In the midst of trouble, as we are tossed about by the waves of life, Jesus is there to keep us anchored, helping us to retain our hope no matter the circumstance.
It seems to me the reason the students with whom I work, though far from having a complete handle on dealing with stress in their lives, do manage it without giving into despair is the hope they have in Jesus. He is their anchor amidst the storms of life. And while they may get battered by life, they yet remain firm and secure.
The sad thing is our culture continues to move away from Jesus. It could be argued that the trend of increasing stress among students correlates directly with the culture’s increasing marginalization of all things biblical. Students, and the population as a whole, are being encouraged to find alternatives to the Anchor for coping with life—whether it be engaging in atypical lifestyles, pursuing material wealth or entertainment, etc. The results of this are obvious on campuses and throughout the nation and the world. Apart from Jesus, there is no anchor for our souls. Only despair and hopelessness.
Today, in the midst of a troubled world, know there is an Anchor who can keep you firm and secure as the waves of life come at you, threatening to carry you away. His name is Jesus and He has overcome the world.
© Jim Musser 2014
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