"Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” (Isaiah 1:18 NIV)
This morning the landscape is covered with a blanket of snow. Everything is white. The grass, the dirt, the litter along the road—all covered over. If you didn’t know better, just by looking you would think nothing lies beneath.
There is something beautiful in looking out over a snow-covered landscape. Everything is so clean and fresh. This is the image that comes to mind when I read these words of the Lord to Isaiah.
Sin is dirty and ugly. And its stain on our world has proved difficult to remove. Think of all the programs, movements, and legislation in the last 100 years that have tried to reduce crime, eliminate hunger and neglect, and curb injustice. Think of the wars that have been waged to bring about peace. The stain still remains.
We can try various techniques and remedies, but the stain of sin is stubbornly resistant to removal. Most of us resign just to cover it up by good works, denial, or distraction. Out of sight, out of mind. But it’s still there and the implications are eternal.
So what a blessing it is to know there is One who can permanently remove that ugly sin stain, and make us as white and refreshing as new-fallen snow. And not just once but every time we have a spill or take a fall. He is there to remove the stain.
People have tried since the beginning of time to cover over the stain of their sins, using a variety of methods, but all have failed. The truth is we are incapable of doing it. That power resides outside of us in the person of Jesus. Today call on Him and your life can be as clean as the freshly fallen snow.
© Jim Musser 2014
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