Suppose I offered you $100 cash and asked only that in the next week you return to me ten dollars. You keep 90% and give me back 10%. I assume you would think that to be a great deal. That is basically the deal God has offered us. He gives us everything we have (Click here) and He asks us to give back at least 10% of that. It is called a tithe, and while Paul says it is not obligatory, it was the baseline for giving in the New Testament Church.
Yet, most of American Christians don’t see it as a good deal for them. Only five percent tithe, and the average is two percent of their income. A lot of people are going reap very little!
There are a number of reasons for these dismal statistics—selfishness, greed, and debt among them—but they all have their root in a lack of trust in God. We hoard what He has given us because we fear He will fall short in His promises. If we give our money away, will we have enough? Will our needs be satisfied? Will what He provides be better than what we can buy for ourselves? So we are inclined to tighten our grip on what He has so graciously provided. And when people like me say what I am saying, we often get defensive and rail at how the church is “always talking about money!”
Yet, think about it. Is God really asking so much? He gives us everything and wants only a small portion of it back, and then says if we give Him that, He will give us even more! How is that not a wonderful deal?
Today, recognize how generous the Lord is with you. Everything you have has come from His hand. He has every right to demand all of it back, but instead He asks for only a very small portion. Now that, my friend, is a great deal!
© Jim Musser 2018
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