I was on campus the other day talking with some students and the subject turned to going overseas. One student said he would like to study abroad, but his mom nixed the idea because she was afraid, as an American, he would be in danger. Another student said the mere mention of a friend going to Mexico caused her grandfather to say, “you won’t be going there.”
Within our culture there is a growing spirit of fear. Children are often not allowed to play outside because of fear they will be kidnapped. Going anywhere overseas is deemed dangerous because of the threat of terrorism. And I heard recently of one college student who was required by her mother to call every night before she went to bed, just so she would know her daughter was safe.
In my position ministering to college students, I have had to deal with parental fears quite often. Many times I have talked with parents who are afraid to let their children go on a mission trip. They want assurance their children will be safe. I tell them I will do my best, but that I cannot guarantee their safety.
This kind of hyper-protectiveness emanates from the spirit of fear, but fear is not from the Lord. Paul tells Timothy the spirit we are given through the Lord is one, not of fear or timidity, but of power. When called by the Lord, we don’t shrink; instead we grow bold! And we can do so because of great confidence that the Lord will guard our lives until the day He calls us home. As Jesus said, “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” (Matthew 16:25)
Today, ask the Lord to give you His Spirit to replace that spirit of fear. For He has promised to guard your life and wants you to live it in a way that is bold and courageous.
© Jim Musser 2018
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