The phrase “alternative facts” entered the nation’s lexicon this week when one of President Trump’s senior advisers used it in an interview on Sunday’s Meet the Press. The host, Chuck Todd, responded that what she called alternative facts were in reality falsehoods. He was correct, but should we really be surprised? Many likely would describe President Trump as a perpetuator of lies, but Jesus reveals the ultimate source and the devil has been fathering lies since the very beginning. Let us not be fooled, lies and half-truths are far from a new thing, even from the mouths of politicians.
The first lie was told to the first woman in Eden (Genesis 3:1-4). And he has continued to spew them down through the centuries. Here are just a few of the more recent ones, with Scripture references countering the lie in parentheses.
*Truth is relative. I can have my truth and you can have yours. Both are right. This has increasingly been taught in our schools for decades. In reality, Jesus claims to be the truth (John 14:6). If that is indeed true, then His Word defines what is true and what is a lie, and we humbly submit ourselves to it. This is really the essence of “alternative facts;” we choose to believe what works best for us. In Eden, Eve and then Adam chose to believe they really could become like God.
*There are many ways to reach God. This lie continues to be held by many Christians. While they say they believe Jesus is the way, they contend Muslims, Hindus, etc. can have their own options. (also in John 14:6)
*To attempt to correct someone’s sinful path is hateful. This lie has caused many to back away from confronting sin in the lives of brothers and sisters, or even to call something a sin that the Scriptures define as such. (John 8:1-11; Mark 10:17-23; James 5:19-20)
*Saying the “sinner’s prayer or being baptized can save you regardless of how you live your life thereafter. This lie has led millions into a false sense of security about their eternal destiny. (John 3:1-8; I Corinthians 6:9-11)
*Even if we confess our sins, they are not forgiven unless we feel forgiven. This lie paralyzes so many emotionally and spiritually because they carry the shame of their guilt even after they have confessed. (I John 1:9)
What we must realize is “alternative facts” are nothing new and extend far beyond the political world and originate from their source in the eternal realm. So today, while you may be tempted to focus solely on those coming out of Washington, D.C., recognize there are far more dangerous ones to consider—ones that can have eternal consequences if we do not confront them.
© Jim Musser 2017
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