Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Unswerving Faith

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23 NIV)

There was a turning point in the life of Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps’ life back in 2014 when he was stopped by police for swerving in and out of lanes while driving at more than 80 mph.  He was intoxicated and arrested.  Phelps has said often since then that was a pivotal moment in his life.  He had hit rock bottom.

Swerving while driving is an indication that something is very wrong. Either the driver is distracted—looking down at a phone or adjusting the radio—or is physically or mentally impaired.  Either way, swerving is a bad thing.

Interestingly, the Hebrew writer uses the term “unswervingly” to describe a healthy faith.  In the same way swerving while driving is dangerous, so, too, when our faith is inconsistent while moving along the path of life.  If we are “all over the place,” it is a sign there is trouble.

However, many conclude, like intoxicated drivers, they’re really fine. Emboldened by their lack of understanding of God’s grace, they think they are still safe.  No danger here, they say.  But there is plenty.

As a new school year begins on campus, the erratic swerving has already begun.  Men and women, literally and figuratively, will be all over the place and taking others with them, many who profess hope and faith in the One who is faithful.  New ways of living and new ways of thinking will be tested out. They will convince themselves they’re okay and no one is in danger.  That is, until they truly are. They’re in an accident, they’re pulled over, or they just wake up one morning with the realization they’re in a spiritual ditch.  This is what happened to Phelps and it was the beginning of a spiritual revival in his life.  

This is an example of God’s grace, but He would prefer we never swerve in the first place.  “Let us hold unswervingly…”  This is His desire for us.  To stay true to our faith.  To resist the temptations of the world to pursue that which is spiritually empty.  To remain steady and consistent while moving along in life.  

Today, consider your life.  Can you describe your faith as unswerving? If not, know danger is lurking even if you don’t sense it.  For a man or woman of faith, someone under the influence of God, is steady and consistent.  And that is the way He wants it to be for each of us—unswervingly remaining on the path that leads to life.

© Jim Musser 2016

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