It is spring and I am thinking about trees and plants, for all are now beginning to display their beauty. And I’m thinking about weeds because they, too, are declaring their presence as I see all around our neighborhood countless dandelions sprouting up.
Throughout the Scriptures, various aspects of nature are used as metaphors for the spiritual life. And water, soil, and sun are used as metaphors for spiritual nourishment.
At the time of Jeremiah’s writing, the people of God were turning away from Him. They were chasing after the things of the world rather than the Lord. And God was comparing them to dried-up bushes in a desert. Catch the metaphor?
When people pursue other things than God, they are removing themselves from the nourishment they need to thrive, or even survive, spiritually. Through Jeremiah, the Lord says those, however, who seek Him are like trees planted in rich, moist soil. They will always be growing and producing abundant fruit.
So the question we should always be asking ourselves is, are we in a place in our lives that is conducive to spiritual growth? Are we planted in spiritually rich soil that provides the nourishment we need to grow? Are we sinking our roots deeper or are we content to stay in the shallow ground?
In other words, are we seeking nourishment from God’s Word and a diligent prayer life? Are we involved in a community of believers that encourages deeper spiritual growth? Are we removing the distractions and repenting of the sins that deprive us of the nourishment we need?
Today, consider where your life is planted. Is it in soil conducive for growth? If not, recognize that, like the nature of all living things, you are meant to grow. That’s what God created you to do.
© Jim Musser 2015
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