Sometimes when things aren’t going well, it’s just good to get back to the basics. When a sports team is faltering, the coach will gather the players in the gym and emphasize the fundamentals of the game. When a marriage is on the rocks, a counselor will stress the need to rediscover what first attracted the couple to one another. And when we find ourselves in a spiritual funk, recognizing God’s deep love for us is a good place to start getting back to where we once were.
When we are floundering, whether it be in sports, a relationship, or spiritually, the natural tendency is to lose confidence, to get down on ourselves. It can become a vicious, downward cycle. What can make the difference is a confidence booster. It may be that 10-point run that says, “we can beat these guys!” Or it may be that night out when some good, deep conversation gives us hope the relationship can be more than bickering or cool detachment. Or it may be, when we are spiritually down, that sense of God’s deep love for us that pushes us back from the brink and toward spiritual renewal.
I cannot think of anything more encouraging when we are down than the knowledge of God’s great love for us and this passage details it perfectly. While still in rebellion, having no love or appreciation for God, He chose to love us. And in a way that is really beyond our comprehension—He gave up His life for us.
We can understand the love of a parent giving up his life for his child, or a friend dying to save a friend, or maybe even a stranger giving up her life to save another. But someone giving up his life for the sake of an enemy? That is difficult to comprehend, yet it is the love God has for you and me. He loved us even while we were His enemies. This should be a boost to our confidence when we are struggling. If He loved us even when we were aligned against Him, He surely continues to love us when we are in a spiritual funk.
Today, if you find yourself struggling spiritually, may these words from Paul be the confidence booster you need to get back on track. I think they convey just why you were attracted to the Lord in the first place.
© Jim Musser 2015
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