Friday, September 12, 2014


“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
 will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress,
 my God, in whom I trust.’” (Psalm 91:1-2 NIV)

My wife and I were walking on a local trail last night, aware there was rain on the way, but oblivious to how close it really was.  On our way back towards our car, through a small opening in the trees, we saw what we had been unable to see—heavy rain moving across the mountains toward us.  We immediately picked up our pace, but we were far from the nearest shelter—a covered bridge.  Usually, while on this trail, we just pass through the bridge.  Now, it was our destination because of what it could provide us in our time of need—shelter from the rain.  

Unlike our ancestors, we typically don’t think much about shelter.  When it’s pouring rain, normally we are inside our homes, offices, or cars. When it’s freezing outside, we are inside those heated spaces.  Or when it’s oppressively hot, we are kept cool by the A/C provided in them.  The only times we really think about shelter is when we are caught out in the weather without one.  We are sheltered 95% of the time, but rarely do we take notice.  

I think we tend to do this with the Lord, as well.  Although He provides always for our basic needs, we often fail to recognize or appreciate His provision.  It is in the midst of the storms of life we encounter that we truly recognize our need for His protection and provision.  We may be going merrily along in life, enjoying the blessings of the Lord but taking them for granted, until rolling dark clouds appear on our life’s horizon and we suddenly realize our vulnerability and dependence.  

Today, recognize the Lord is your shelter in this life.  He is protecting you and providing for you, whether you realize it or not.  But in those times when the storms catch you by surprise, know you can run to Him for shelter and He will provide exactly what you need.

© Jim Musser 2014

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