Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Reaching the Next Generation

“Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.  One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.  They will speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty, and I will meditate on your wonderful works.” (Psalm 145:3-6 NIV)

Our church had a time of prayer for those involved in ministry to youth and younger adults.  It was quite an amazing sight as dozens came forward who work with high school students, college students, professional singles, and young families, not only in this country but in many parts of the world.  Their mission, my mission, is to tell the next generation how great our God is, the wonderful things He has done in our lives and throughout history, in order that a new generation may carry on the Kingdom work of the previous one.  And among that group were members of the next generation who are busy at work among their peers.

When I was a college student, the people that influenced me most to become a follower of Jesus were of my own generation.  Scott invited me to a campus ministry worship service where I met some really cool people who did not fit my stereotype of Christians.  Don, my RA, spent time talking with me about spiritual things and encouraging me to think about who Jesus is.  Nan invited me to be a part of a dorm Bible study where I saw an example of what it meant to love and be loved.  In just three months after arriving on campus, I made the decision to follow Jesus.

As a campus minister for most of my post-college life, I know there were campus ministers, pastors, parents, and other adults motivating my peers to reach out to people like me.  For years, the older generation had been commending the great works of God to people of my generation and they responded.  Because they did, I came to know Jesus.

The Kingdom of God is expanding as history moves along because generation after generation proclaims the greatness of our God.  The prayer of our church focused on a continuation of that proclamation.  It is the prayer of all who are working with the next generation.

Today, consider your role in commending the works of God to the next generation.  Are you a college student?  Then whom among your peers can you share with?  Are you an adult?  Then who are some young people in your sphere of influence with whom you can pour into with the love of the Lord?   For this new generation to know of the great works of our God, it will take all of us, young, old, and older, doing our part to make His works known. 

© Jim Musser 2014

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