Thursday, November 7, 2013

More Than a Club

“We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.” (I Thessalonians 2:8 NIV)

At all universities, campus ministries are considered clubs.  They are supposed to elect officers each year, have a constitution, and have meetings.  That’s what clubs do.  And like clubs, pretty much anyone can join.  Prospective members are not voted on.  If they want to be involved, they can be.   But there is a major difference.   While club members may gather because of a shared interest, most don’t develop deep relationships with others in the club.  With campus ministries, as with the Church, the common commitment to Jesus leads members to deeper, more committed relationships with one another.  We share not only a common interest, but our lives as well.

It is with this in mind that I often experience sadness when I see how easily Christians can walk away from a community of believers.  They’re around, they’re involved—and then they’re gone, typically with no explanation.  Obviously, I am experiencing this from a pastor’s point of view.   People in whom I have invested leave without so much as a good-bye.  It’s as if they belong to a club instead of a family, which is what the Church is.   This is why we call each other brothers and sisters.  

Of course, students graduate and leave.  People get new jobs and re-locate.  These are expected and understandable.  What is more perplexing are those who leave because they’re “burned out,” or “it’s time for others to step up,” or they’re “just too busy,” or they just “don’t get much out of it anymore.”  

I suspect these are more just excuses than true reasons.  There may be a desire to take a different path in life or guilt over something they know does not please God.  But I think mostly it is a lack of truly sharing their lives and being known.  When that is happening, it is much more difficult to walk away.  

Today, recognize that the local church or campus ministry is more than just a place to gather around a common interest and participate in activities.  It is a community in which we are to love each other in such a way that we are delighted to share our lives with one another.  When we do that, it will be very difficult to walk away.  As it should be in any family.

© Jim Musser 2013

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