Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Imitating God

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.  Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 4:32-5:2 NIV)

Children are great imitators.  They will say things they hear their parents say.  They will do things they see their parents do.  And they will imitate their heroes, whether they are television or movie characters, or an athlete. They will try to sound like them, look like them, and act like them. 

It is in the nature of children to imitate those they admire. It is, in a way, an attempt to honor them and demonstrate respect. Paul tells us in this passage, as children of God, to imitate our Heavenly Father, and specifically, to imitate His kindness and compassion by forgiving others. By doing so, we honor and respect Him.

I recently read an article citing the increase of atheism in this country and in Europe.  The writer concluded this increase was due to the fallout of the 9/11 attacks and the so-called “culture wars” over abortion, stem cell research, and gay marriage.  People, the writer said, were concluding that religious faith is the cause of much trouble in the world and we would be better off without it. 

I agree, at least to the point that religion causes a lot of problems.  If you question that, just read any of the four Gospels and pay close attention to the dialogue between Jesus and the religious leaders of the day.  He did not have much good to say about their practice of religion.  

Paul is not saying, nor did Jesus preach, that we should imitate God by becoming more religious.  We are instead to imitate His character and the actions that flow from it, specifically kindness and compassion, the traits that lead Him to forgive us. 

What people see from many “religious” people is not a reflection of God’s character.  They see almost the opposite.  It is understandable why they might think the world would be better off without God.  But I wonder if some would change their minds if they saw God’s children imitating Him as He really is.

Today, realize that imitating your Heavenly Father’s kindness and compassion is not only a way to honor Him, but also a means to show the world what He really is like.  

© Jim Musser 2012

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